Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Whoa... doesn't Jonny look HOT with the PINK shirt?
Karen: That is soooooooo last year's color.


Anyways, Worship was awesome cause God was there. Need I say more?

I hope that we'll get a chance to be lead worshippers again on campus. It was so much fun! Thanks for the opportunity guys and thank you our Lord for recieving our praises to You!

Nathander for Prez!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bored and highly unmotivated...

Man, its been a slow past 3 days at work... hahaha... got nothing really to do.

So to kill some time, I manage to ummm...download some of the new hillsong united: United we stand, songs from the Hillsong site. I have every intention on buying this cd when it comes out on april 4th. But I heard this one, ok ..two... ok... three songs that I absolutely needed to learn and sing!

And now, not only do I have them, but I also have the guitar tabs written out... yea!

Full length mp3 songs that I have are:
-Take it all (guitar tabs too)
-From the inside out (guitar tabs too)
-Came to the Rescue
-None But Jesus
-The Stand (guitar tabs too)

Man these songs are soooooo good. I'm EXCITED!!! Might have to buy two CDs!

If anyone wants the mp3s or chords, drop me a line.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

A day worth celebrating!

Its 3.14 today! Happy PI Day everyone!

Yay for Pi!!!

Monday, March 13, 2006

0 for 12...

Stupid tim horton's... i'm 0 for 12 for the roll up the rim to win contest. Oh well, i'll give it 6 more attempts before I officially boycott Timmy's...hehe...actually i don't think I'll ever boycott Timmys I just love them too much....

Weekend was good had lots of fun with the guys (MANCON). We had a paintball fight (with slingshots) in Nose Hill park in some seclueded area where no one could see...hehe...It was alot of fun! Highlights of the event:
- My bro got shot in the face with a paintball, by a team mate...haha... bad aiming..but a good shot.
- Hmmm... in the middle of the playing field, I puked... and man, it was pretty steamy...
- A couple of guys had to take a piss during game play... easy targets....hehehe...

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Across the waves, across the seas, seperating you from me...

Ok... this is not a love poem... sick....

So I got a call from a good friend last night. A friend I haven't seen nor heard from since summer. He's on the otherside of the world, mastering a language in which I've been trying to master my whole life...

Anyways, we were talking and catching up with our lives and sharing on what God is doing and wow, just hearing him I can sense a change in him. As we were exchanging stories, it was so encouraging to hear how through the struggle of change, loneiness, lack of direction (him being stuck in a foreign country) that God is using him and confirming things along the way.

Yesterday afternoon (yes... at work) I came across this passage in Romans. I remember memorizing this scripture a few years back.

Romans 8:28- "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose."

But this time I let my thoughts dwell on it...and yeah if I were to re-write this verse, it would translate to:

"Disappointment, failure, and suffering are simply facts of life. But for those who are actively following God, He can turn disappointment and tragedy into new life" (Sam's version)

Ahhh...yes... NEW life...

and now... time to move forward...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Its better to ask questions... stupid organic coffee

So it was my turn to buy coffee for the office. I've never bought coffee in a bag before and as I walked in to the coffee shop, "Higher Ground" in Kensington. I was completely clueless as I was hoping for some sort of display or sales section on bagged coffee. There was nothing but a long lineup, and so yeah I just lined up. Trying to make sure that I won't look like an idiot, I began to think of questions to ask the workers there. Its funny, because as my mind became consumed with these thoughts, I wasn't paying attention and it was my turn and yeah, I wasn't ready so I blurted out, "Do you guys sell coffee?" The girl looked at me weird, like if I was lost, stupid, mental or something.... probably thinking 'of couse we sell coffee...its a coffee shop afterall...stupid idiot.' Well probably not that extreme, but I quickly threw in my next question before I gave her a chance to think further. "I mean, do you sell bagged coffee"... and "whew" what a relief. And then came the technical questions and not to look stupid this is how I answered...
girl: would you like organic coffee?
me: umm..sure

girl: what size?
me: what size do they come in?

girl: 1/4 pd, 1/2 pd and pd
me: umm..sure

girl: pd?
me: umm..sure

girl: umm.. ok...Grind or beans?
me: grind

girl: Medium or Dark Roast?
me: medium

girl: Ok..that comes to $15.50
me: umm... what???

Yeah, so I ended up paying $15.50 for a pound of coffee. I would have cancel the order but the lady was grinding the beans for me...

I did drink the coffee and it tasted alright, nothing special compared to other coffee...*sigh*...