Monday, March 13, 2006

0 for 12...

Stupid tim horton's... i'm 0 for 12 for the roll up the rim to win contest. Oh well, i'll give it 6 more attempts before I officially boycott Timmy's...hehe...actually i don't think I'll ever boycott Timmys I just love them too much....

Weekend was good had lots of fun with the guys (MANCON). We had a paintball fight (with slingshots) in Nose Hill park in some seclueded area where no one could see...hehe...It was alot of fun! Highlights of the event:
- My bro got shot in the face with a paintball, by a team mate...haha... bad aiming..but a good shot.
- Hmmm... in the middle of the playing field, I puked... and man, it was pretty steamy...
- A couple of guys had to take a piss during game play... easy targets....hehehe...


Jonny said...

why the heck did you have to puke? You had an Elvis Platter all to yourself?!

Anonymous said...

whoa, thought your bro wasn't gonna play and just video. can't wait to see the vid during impact.

haha - and plus it makes it so much harder for them to pee cuz they're laughing/screaming/etc.

Neothan said...

Best. Mancon. Ever.