Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Dang, bad day.

So, i just got some tea from the office drink machine. Got back to my cubicle and sat down on my chair. Drinking my hot tea, I placed my free hand on the edge of my desk and began to pull myself to my computer. As I was pulling, my fingers slipped, and *punch*... I canned myself, fast and hard. In pain used both hands to comfort the sore area and yup, I forgot I had the tea, spilled my hot drink on my crotch area. Immediately, I jumped out of my seat and then my foot gets caught from one of the wheels from my chair and yup, tripped over my chair and *bang* the back of my head goes right into my filing cabinet...

Dang...what a bad day...


Jonny said...

What the heck? I'll um... I'll pray for ya.

Anonymous said...

AAAHhh.... i hope your crotch it okay!

Anonymous said...

is okay.... oops

Leo said...

In a couple of weeks...

you'll look back on this and laugh...hehe

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