I think one of the biggest things that totally pisses me off is when a co-worker takes credit for your work. You explain to him how the process works because he asked. But as you explain to him, he disagrees and keeps interrupting and when he finally understands, he promptly notifies the supervisor... and the supervisor praises him for his efforts.
*sigh* I think also it could be a major PRIDE thing. *sigh* A couple of arguments to support this is the fact that he deals with stress really well and is very friendly and approachable... and with me, i'm freaking out with my deadlines and in all honestly a wreak. There is so much pressure for me to get things done, but hardly any encouragement from anyone.
I need to let go of this bitterness and anger and move forward with my life. Cause this is seriously destroying me.
Sorry guys...i just had to vent.
In Hewbrew 10:35-36, "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised".
I truly understand what you are going through especially when you talk about deadlines and the pressures of co-workers. I feel that you should finish your projects before explaining things to your co-worker. I think they will understand if you say I'll answer this when I finish this project first because it might take a while to explain it, then you're not being rude but just telling the truth.
It took me a while to figure out that all the knowledge and confidence comes when we depend on Christ. As frustrating as it may be, just know that God knows you can handle it because of your faith in Him to be your Lord and savior.
Samuel, you do not know how much can be accomplished, when you give the credit to somebody else.
But I hear you all the same.
Just confiscate his left testical. You'll feel better.
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