Monday, May 29, 2006

So I saw X3 and ...

its pretty good.

I think its the best out of the trilogy. Though the story line strayed from the comic books, I appreicate that they concluded it and didn't leave too many things hanging... (for those who haven't seen it, stay after the credits and there is a scene that throws a twist). Supposely there will be a Wolverine and Magneto spinoff. So that will be interesting...

My legs are still sore from Laser Tag on friday... man, it hurts so much just to walk. And no, i'm not gonna throw the "I am old" comment... I find those comments more depressing than funny... haha.. rather I need to exercise and prepare for paintball! Which reminds me, I'll be holding a paintball event near the end of summer (tentatively, depending on when people are leaving) before those who need to go back to school goes back to school. Plus it would be good to get some of the guys together before they leave (Chris Harman). I'll keep you guys posted.

Tommorrow... the negotations begins...


Leo said...


for what?

Havok said...

Dude, I agree, it was the best one of the 3.

I don't mind the straying from the comics because every X-Men movie and Spider-man movie has strayed from it but we have to enjoy it for what it's worth. If it were faithful to the comics, well Scott would've had his affair with Emma Frost by now and while Jean Grey Summers is dead, Scott and Emma would be the head of the Xavier Institute....comics are so messed up :)