Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bored and highly unmotivated...

Man, its been a slow past 3 days at work... hahaha... got nothing really to do.

So to kill some time, I manage to some of the new hillsong united: United we stand, songs from the Hillsong site. I have every intention on buying this cd when it comes out on april 4th. But I heard this one, ok ..two... ok... three songs that I absolutely needed to learn and sing!

And now, not only do I have them, but I also have the guitar tabs written out... yea!

Full length mp3 songs that I have are:
-Take it all (guitar tabs too)
-From the inside out (guitar tabs too)
-Came to the Rescue
-None But Jesus
-The Stand (guitar tabs too)

Man these songs are soooooo good. I'm EXCITED!!! Might have to buy two CDs!

If anyone wants the mp3s or chords, drop me a line.


Leo said...

You downloaded the songs from the hillsong site??

interesting...hahaha :)

How did you get the guitar tabs?

Sam said...

yeah... "downloaded"... we'll keep it at that... I'll send you what I have.

Jonny said...

And you admit to it on a public blog site with your full name, attended university, the company you currently work for, and the country you live in on it?!?!

Anonymous said...

You unethical moron.

Jonny said...