Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Man, don't you ever get those days when you know there is something big? you've seen it and want it? and its stirring in your heart, to the point that the emotions consumes you completely? And you just want to go out and take it?
But at the same time when you finally get back down to reality and let your thoughts just can't because of the lack of resources, lack of faith? or could it be not right time?

(No...this is not about women or relationships....)

Man, dont' you ever get those days when you are just so frustrated when you can't do anything?
I've been so frustrated with myself and I guess with God with the fact that when are these things going to happen? When will His plans for me happen? I've been talking to people about it, encouraging them and being encouraged and such...but man...why can't I believe whole-heartly (100%) in the things and words I am saying. So I turn to the bible, and the first verse I see as I open the word was this...
2Then the LORD said to me, "Write my answer in large, clear letters on a tablet, so that a runner can read it and tell everyone else.
3But these things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.
14For the time will come when all the earth will be filled, as the waters fill the sea, with an awareness of the glory of the LORD.

Habakkuk 2: 2-3, 14 (NLT)

My reaction was ....(Psalms 46:10).....

You just have to recieve it.

Man, don't you ever get those days...


Anonymous said...

yay, you're alive again!

nate said...

Hey mans
just thought i'd say hi!
Your blog is awesome.

Havok said...

good to see ur blogging again; i was beginning to think u fell off the face of the planet! :)

Jonny said...

Yes, I have infact. There are many instances when I feel something... really big you know? and it stirs with every breath, and I just want to reach and take it... OOH! How it irritates and itches, and it's right there!!

But, perhaps it's not the right time, as picking my nose in public would be inappropriate.

Sam said...

Hey jonny,

yeah man, the time will come, the time will come, just have to be faithful in the little things right now and then picking your nose in public would be appropriate.